Property For Sale in Bagnone

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Main Photo of a 6 bedroom  House for sale

6 bedroom House for sale
Bagnone, Italy,

P121 Bagnone, in a panoramic and sunny area, surrounded by greenery, farmhouse with about 16000 square meters of cultivated land with olives and vineyards, fully enclosed. Stone house of about 400 square meters. composed on the ground floor by a large kitchen, dining room, living room with firepla

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 07-07-2022

Marketed by A Home in Crete Click to show agent's number 

Main Photo of a 1 bedroom  Apartment for sale

1 bedroom Apartment for sale
Bagnone, Italy,

Apartment on the first floor completely renovated in a building ion the historical centre of the town.

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 14-07-2021

Marketed by Realpoint Property Ltd Click to show agent's number