5 Bedroom Terraced Houses To Rent in Lower Treluswell

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Main Photo of a 5 bedroom  Terraced House to rent
£4,500 Monthly

5 bedroom Terraced House to rent
Charles Street, Berkhamsted, HP4 3DG - 227 miles from the centre of Lower Treluswell

An impressive and substantial five bedroom Edwardian villa, retaining many charming period features and situated in this central location, just a short walk from the town centre and station. Available late December. Unfurnished. SORRY NO PETS

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 19-12-2020

Marketed by Little London Estates Click to show agent's number 

Main Photo of a 5 bedroom  Terraced House to rent
£2,200 Monthly

5 bedroom Terraced House to rent
Hendy Street, Roath, Cardiff, CF23 5EU - 126 miles from the centre of Lower Treluswell

A 5 Bedroom, property located close to Roath Park. Unfurnished. Double glazing and Central Heating. Large fitted kitchen and laminated flooring in lounge.

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 22-12-2022

Marketed by Kingstons Residential Ltd Click to show agent's number 

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Main Photo of a 5 bedroom  Terraced House to rent
£145 Per person per week

5 bedroom Terraced House to rent
Cemetery Road, Salford, M5 5WG - 259 miles from the centre of Lower Treluswell

***Viewings are now open for 2024/25 bookings***


Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 23-11-2022

Marketed by Student Haus Click to show agent's number