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Main Photo of a 4 bedroom  Villa for sale

4 bedroom Villa for sale
Girne, Northern Cyprus,

Edremit Villas for sale in Edremit Girne Northern Cyprus Euro Resales Property iD: 9826531 Property Location Edremit villa- cicek street Edremit Girne Northern Cyprus BORAY DEVELOPMENTS proudly presents luxury villa project with 4 bedrooms in Edremit. The proje...

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 04-10-2021

Marketed by Euro Resales Click to show agent's number 

Main Photo of a 2 bedroom  Apartment for sale

2 bedroom Apartment for sale
Girne, Northern Cyprus,

Apartment Project For Sale in North Cyprus Euroresales Property iD- 9825464 Project information: Two Bedroom (2+1) 70 m2 apartments 1st class ceramic flooring 1st class faience wall cover in the bathrooms High gloss kitchen Laminated interior doors Sliding bedroom wardro...

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 27-07-2020

Marketed by Euro Resales Click to show agent's number