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Main Photo of a 3 bedroom  Apartment for sale

3 bedroom Apartment for sale
Friedrichshain, Germany, 10243

Find out more about the project in Friedrichshain: The property is located in one of the most desirable locations in Berlin - in the popular Friedrichshain. This popular place is known for the beautiful Karl-Marx-Allee, the world-famous Alexanderplatz and the central Strausberger Platz....

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 17-03-2023

Marketed by First Citiz Berlin Click to show agent's number 

Main Photo of a 3 bedroom  Apartment for sale

3 bedroom Apartment for sale
Friedrichshain, Germany, 10243

Find out more about the project in Friedrichshain: The property is located in one of the most desirable locations in Berlin - in the popular Friedrichshain. This popular place is known for the beautiful Karl-Marx-Allee, the world-famous Alexanderplatz and the central Strausberger Platz....

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 23-07-2024

Marketed by First Citiz Berlin Click to show agent's number 

Main Photo of a 1 bedroom  Apartment for sale

1 bedroom Apartment for sale
Friedrichshain, Germany, 10243

Find out more about the project in Friedrichshain: The property is located in one of the most desirable locations in Berlin - in the popular Friedrichshain. This popular place is known for the beautiful Karl-Marx-Allee, the world-famous Alexanderplatz and the central Strausberger Platz....

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 23-07-2024

Marketed by First Citiz Berlin Click to show agent's number 

Main Photo of a 3 bedroom  House for sale

3 bedroom House for sale
Kleve, Germany,

Superb 9 room house for sale in Warbeyen Kleve Germany Esales Property iD: 9826672 Property Details This very large house with its 9 rooms (expansion reserve is available) and vaulted cellar is located in the quiet Warbeyen, between Kleve and Emmerich. The house has ...

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 01-01-2022

Marketed by Euro Resales Click to show agent's number 

Main Photo of a 5 bedroom  House for sale

5 bedroom House for sale
Traben-Trarbach, Germany,

Beautiful 5 Bedroom Semi-Detached House in Traben-Trarbach, Germany Euro Resales Property iD: 9826813 PROPERTY LOCATiON 66 Wildbad Strasse Traben - Trarbach Rheinland-Pfalz 56841 Germany

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 24-07-2022

Marketed by Euro Resales Click to show agent's number 

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