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Main Photo of a 5 bedroom  House for sale

5 bedroom House for sale
Gavray, France, 50450

Located 6 km from La Haye Pesnel, in a green and quiet environment not overlooked, charming house from 1970 comprising: - Ground floor: an entrance, fitted kitchen, beautiful living room of more than 50 m2, with its fireplace in granite and paving stones at the foot, coming from an old farm, office,

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 21-04-2024

Marketed by Cle France Click to show agent's number 

Main Photo of a Country House for sale

Country House for sale
Gavray, France, 50450

Detached Country House to be renovated for which a permit had been granted but for which the current owner has requested its cancellation in order to give full freedom to the future buyer. A great blank canvass project to create a beautiful country home. Do not hesitate to contact us to visit. The d

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 09-09-2023

Marketed by Cle France Click to show agent's number