Property For Sale in Gace

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Properties found: 4
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Main Photo of a 1 bedroom  House for sale

1 bedroom House for sale
Gace, France, 61230

For sale we have this corner of tranquility, no neighbours and not overlooked. A 3 hectare property, with its 28m2 chalet, living rooms, a bedroom, bathroom, toilet and storage rooms. A construction consisting of three rooms, two garages, Independent electric meter. A building of 105m2 to be convert

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 26-10-2023

Marketed by Cle France Click to show agent's number 

Main Photo of a 5 bedroom  Country House for sale

5 bedroom Country House for sale
Gace, France, 61230

Apologies for the For Sale overlay on the images, this particular agent is in a very competitive sector and wishes to protect their images from being copied. If you want to see clean images of this listing simply Make an Enquiry and we respond. Architect-designed stone house, located in the heart of

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 27-02-2024

Marketed by Cle France Click to show agent's number 

Main Photo of a 5 bedroom  Country House for sale

5 bedroom Country House for sale
Gace, France, 61230

Architect-designed stone house, located in the heart of the Haras de lOrne sector. This recent stone construction offers: - Ground floor: an open living room of approximately 50m2 with fitted and equipped kitchen with its central island, a living room with wood stove, a living area, a master suite w

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 25-07-2024

Marketed by Cle France Click to show agent's number 

Main Photo of a 2 bedroom  Country House for sale

2 bedroom Country House for sale
Gace, France, 61230

A half-timbered house in the countryside near the charming village of Gace, enough space to live full time and a glorious location for a holiday home. - Ground floor: a kitchen / dining room, a living room, a bedroom. - Upstairs: a bedroom and a bathroom. Shed on enclosed land of 600m2. The departme

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 27-02-2024

Marketed by Cle France Click to show agent's number