Property For Sale in El Fraile

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Main Photo of a 1 bedroom  Apartment for sale

1 bedroom Apartment for sale
El Fraile, Spain,

A well presented 1st floor apartment in El Fraile. The property comprises of 1 bedroom and bathroom. There is a fully fitted and equipped American style kitchen and lounge/dining area with patio door leading onto the terrace with street views. The property is sold furnished and just a short walk to

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 27-02-2024

Marketed by Lupain Tenerife Estate Agents Click to show agent's number 

Main Photo of a 1 bedroom  Apartment for sale

1 bedroom Apartment for sale
El Fraile, Spain,

A well presented 1st floor apartment in El Fraile. The property comprises of 1 bedroom and bathroom. There is a fully fitted and equipped American style kitchen and lounge/dining area with patio door leading onto the terrace with street views. The property is sold furnished and just a short walk to

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 05-04-2024

Marketed by Lupain Tenerife Estate Agents Click to show agent's number 

Main Photo of a 1 bedroom  Apartment for sale

1 bedroom Apartment for sale
El Fraile, Spain,

A lovely reformed apartment in El Fraile. The property comprises of 1 bedroom and bathroom. There is a fully fitted and equipped American style kitchen and lounge/dining area. The property has an interior patio. The property is sold furnished and just a short walk to the promenade in Las Galletas wh

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 23-07-2024

Marketed by Lupain Tenerife Estate Agents Click to show agent's number