Property For Sale in Brouains

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Main Photo of a 6 bedroom  House for sale

6 bedroom House for sale
Brouains, France, 50150

This bourgeois property with 8 main rooms located in the heart of a village with all shops and schools, 15 minutes from Vire and 40 km from the sea. This house in perfect condition with lots of cachet has a living area of 190 m2 and is notably composed of a fitted kitchen, dining room, library, beau

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 25-07-2024

Marketed by Cle France Click to show agent's number 

Main Photo of a 3 bedroom  Country House for sale

3 bedroom Country House for sale
Brouains, France, 50150

Solid Stone Built Detached Country House to renovate including: - Ground floor: entrance, kitchen with fireplace, living room, bathroom, toilet, cellar. - Upstairs: hallway, 3 bedrooms, attic. Garage. Outbuildings. Court and land, all on 8110m2. All-water septic tank. Agency fees including tax payab

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 27-02-2024

Marketed by Cle France Click to show agent's number