Property For Sale in Beauchamps

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Main Photo of a 3 bedroom  Maison for sale

3 bedroom Maison for sale
Beauchamps, France, 50320

A 20 minutes de GRANVILLE et de la mer, MAISON CONTEMPORAINE - AU CALME, situee a BEAUCHAMPS, comprenant : - au rez-de-chaussee : cuisine amenagee equipee ouverte sur sejour salon avec poele a bois, WC, - a l\etage : palier desservant trois chambres, une salle de bains avec WC. Une terrasse (80 m2)

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Marketed by Cle France Click to show agent's number 

Main Photo of a 3 bedroom  Country House for sale

3 bedroom Country House for sale
Beauchamps, France, 50320

A charming stone house, in the countryside including: - Ground floor: a very beautiful living room, open kitchen, a toilet, a bathroom with shower, a laundry room. - 1st floor: an office, 2 bedrooms, a bathroom with toilet. - 2nd floor: a very large bedroom (possibility of 2 bedrooms). A garage with

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Marketed by Cle France Click to show agent's number