Property For Sale in Armacao de Pera

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Properties found: 2
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Main Photo of a 9 bedroom  House for sale

9 bedroom House for sale
Armacao de Pera, Portugal,

This property is set in an elevated and tranquil position, overlooking the pleasant surrounding countryside, and is only a few minutes drive...

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 27-07-2020

Marketed by Coast and Country Homes Click to show agent's number 

Main Photo of a 2 bedroom  Town House for sale

2 bedroom Town House for sale
Armacao de Pera, Portugal,

This very beautiful, completely renovated town house has a cozy living room with an adjoining bedroom and a spacious bathroom with a walk-in shower. The stairs that end in the living room lead to the kitchen with a new kitchenette on the upper floor. In front of the kitchen is a nice terrace with a

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 27-08-2023

Marketed by Real Estate Ltd Click to show agent's number