Property For Sale in Alzonne

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Main Photo of a 6 bedroom  House for sale

6 bedroom House for sale
Alzonne, France, 11170

Charming Maison de Maitre with Swimming Pool with 6 bedrooms in the village of Alzonne. This house was built before 1948. It consists of a 39m2 lounge area, a kitchen area and 6 bedrooms. Its habitable interior floor area is approximately 500m2. To take full advantage of all these bedrooms, one of t

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 07-07-2022

Marketed by Cle France Click to show agent's number 

Main Photo of a 6 bedroom  House for sale

6 bedroom House for sale
Alzonne, France, 11170

REDUCED in price - A great location only 10 minutes from Carcassonne in a pleasant village with all amenities, this is a character stone house with a living area of 180 m2 on 3 levels. It consists on the first level of a kitchen open to a large living room: living room and dining room, the two floor

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Marketed by Cle France Click to show agent's number