5 Bedroom Cottage For Sale in Berryfields

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Main Photo of a 5 bedroom  Cottage for sale

5 bedroom Cottage for sale
Brightwell Baldwin, Watlington, OX49 5NP - 15 miles from the centre of Berryfields

First time to the market in 22 years, Winterbrook presents this beautifully enhanced and modernised 5 Bedroom Cottage in a highly sought-after village location. Retaining many of its original ?period features`, the property was extended to create a spacious, well thought out & unique family home.

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 19-01-2024

Marketed by Winterbrook Estates Click to show agent's number 

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Main Photo of a 5 bedroom  Cottage for sale

5 bedroom Cottage for sale
Lower Market Street, East Looe, Looe, PL13 1AX - 188 miles from the centre of Berryfields

Character double fronted cottage situated in the heart of town, tucked away amidst the twisting narrow streets and just a few yards from the beach. Spacious 5 bedroom accommodation over three floors. 2 bathrooms. New fitted kitchen. Central heating. uPVC double glazing. Superb holiday let/home.

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Marketed by Seasons Estate Agents Click to show agent's number