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Main Photo of a 2 bedroom  Flat to rent
£750 Monthly

2 bedroom Flat to rent
Christchurch Street, Ipswich, IP4 2DH - 12 miles from the centre of Suffolk

LARGE BASEMENT APARTMENT available for rent close to Christchurch Park and Ipswich town centre. Two bedrooms, spacious kitchen dining room, living room, bathroom and separate toilet. Large layout with private entrance. Unfurnished. Permit parking available via Ipswich Borough Council.

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Marketed by Riverdale Estates Click to show agent's number 

Main Photo of a 1 bedroom  Apartment to rent
£900 Monthly

1 bedroom Apartment to rent
Coprolite Street, Ipswich, IP3 0BL - 13 miles from the centre of Suffolk

IMMACULATELY PRESENTED one bedroom apartment, with LARGE South facing sun terrace, for rent in the popular Neptune Marina building on Ipswich Waterfront. Huge open plan living/dining and kitchen with views towards the River Orwell. Modern finish throughout. First floor, lift access. Unfurnished.

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 01-06-2022

Marketed by Riverdale Estates Click to show agent's number 

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Main Photo of a 2 bedroom  House to rent
£1,500 Monthly

2 bedroom House to rent
Witney Close, Ipswich, IP3 9QF - 13 miles from the centre of Suffolk

UNIQUE AND RARELY AVAILABLE two bedroom, three storey house know as the Control Tower, formerly of Ipswich airport. Grade II listed with a contemporary twist. Stunning panoramic views, sun terrace and two allocated parking spaces. Bespoke fitted home office. Tastefully furnished throughout.

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 03-08-2023

Marketed by Riverdale Estates Click to show agent's number