Restaurant To Rent in Pentonville

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Main Photo of a Restaurant to rent
£25,500 Annually

Restaurant to rent
Marchmont Street, London, WC1N 1AP - Less than 1 mile from the centre of Pentonville

Class E unit to let on Marchmont Street in Bloomsbury. The unit is located in a busy location, just a couple of minutes walk from Russell square tube station. The premises are arranged over the ground floor, totalling approximately 481 sq. ft.

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 23-01-2024

Marketed by Next Property Ltd Click to show agent's number 

Main Photo of a Restaurant to rent
£36,000 Annually

Restaurant to rent
Marchmont Street, London, WC1N 1AP - Less than 1 mile from the centre of Pentonville

Class E unit to let on Marchmont Street in Bloomsbury. The unit is located in a busy location, just a couple of minutes walk from Russell square tube station. The premises are arranged over the ground floor and the basement, totalling approximately 504 sq. ft.

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 23-01-2024

Marketed by Next Property Ltd Click to show agent's number 

Waiting for a Photo of this Restaurant to rent
£50,000 Annually

Restaurant to rent
Southampton Row, London, WC1B 5AL - 2 miles from the centre of Pentonville

The restaurant is located in Bloomsbury, WC1, It is located in a tourist dominated area, surrounded by restaurants, pubs and hotels * Confidentially Available *

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 08-09-2019

Marketed by Next Property Ltd Click to show agent's number 

Waiting for a Photot of this Restaurant to rent
£60,000 Annually

Restaurant to rent
Upper Street, London, N1 0PR - Less than 1 mile from the centre of Pentonville

Restaurant to let on Upper Street, The Angel, N1, approximately 1,233 sq. ft. The premises occupy an excellent position on Upper Street, Islington just 2 minutes walk from Angel and Highbury & Islington Underground Stations.

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 31-10-2020

Marketed by Next Property Ltd Click to show agent's number 

Main Photo of a Restaurant to rent
£60,000 Annually

Restaurant to rent
Bedford Street, London, WC2E 9HA - 2 miles from the centre of Pentonville

Fully Fitted Restaurant to let on Bedford Street in Covent Garden. Located in London`s West End, the restaurant is arranged over ground floor and basement, totalling 669 sq. ft.

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 29-11-2023

Marketed by Next Property Ltd Click to show agent's number 

Waiting for a Photot of this Restaurant to rent
£65,500 Annually

Restaurant to rent
Southampton Row, London, WC1B 5AN - 2 miles from the centre of Pentonville

Fully fitted restaurant lease for sale in Bloomsbury, WC1, It is located in a tourist dominated area, surrounded by restaurants, pubs and hotels, the property benifits from a large kitchen, full extraction, and fitted out to a high standard.

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 23-01-2024

Marketed by Next Property Ltd Click to show agent's number 

Main Photo of a Restaurant to rent
£70,000 Annually

Restaurant to rent
Great Russell Street, London, WC1B 3NQ - 2 miles from the centre of Pentonville

Fully fitted Restaurant/Cafe premises to let on Great Russell Street, London WC1B, totalling 563 sq. ft,

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 08-09-2019

Marketed by Next Property Ltd Click to show agent's number 

Main Photo of a Restaurant to rent
£80,000 Annually

Restaurant to rent
Grays Inn Road, London, WC1X 8PX - Less than 1 mile from the centre of Pentonville

Class E unit to let on Gray`s Inn Road, Kings Cross, approximately 1,672 sq. ft over the ground, basement and upper floors. Located in a busy residential and commercial area.

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 23-01-2024

Marketed by Next Property Ltd Click to show agent's number 

Main Photo of a Restaurant to rent
£84,000 Annually

Restaurant to rent
Old Marylebone Road, Marylebone, London, NW1 5RA - 2 miles from the centre of Pentonville

Fully Fitted Restaurant Lease for Sale, Class E/A3 unit on Old Marylebone Road. The unit covers an area of 1.500 sq. ft.

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 19-04-2024

Marketed by Next Property Ltd Click to show agent's number 

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Waiting for a Photot of this Restaurant to rent
£140,000 Annually

Restaurant to rent
Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE - 2 miles from the centre of Pentonville

Prime unit to let on Baker Street, Marylebone. The premises covers an area of approximately 1,500 sq. ft. over the ground floor. Baker Street is a prestigious London location with high footfall and tourist attraction.

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 20-07-2022

Marketed by Next Property Ltd Click to show agent's number